The Black Square Problem

Because design skills become more comprehensive by creating several solutions for a single problem, selecting the most effective solution is an important condition explored through this  assignment. By using four flat black squares of the same dimension, create a graphic image to express the meaning of each of the following six words: order, increase, bold, congested, tension, and playful  Make eight preliminary sketches for each word in the areas indicated. Then select the three most effective solutions for each and execute it in the larger designated area. Using only four squares may seem to be a rather limited palette for expressing such diverse words, but con- sider how these squares can be expanded into a more comprehensive language by utilizing various design principles.

Through the use of perspective, the four squares can be of differing sizes, furthering the range of possible solutions. Many students use just this approach in their solutions, as can be seen on the following pages.

Analysis: The intention of this problem is to develop a geometric idiom through the discovery of the various two- dimensional design principles needed to extend a limited graphic vocabulary. The necessary principles include: framal reference; touching; overlapping and cropping of forms; illusory space; contrast of elements in terms of size, direction, space, and position; and the dynamics of negative-positive relationships.

The discoveries result from experimentation with the interrelationships of forms, a vital experience for the growth of a designer developing a personal, formal style. Combining these principles can further expand a mere graphic vocabulary into a comprehensive, abstract graphic language, maximizing the possbilities  for graphic expression.

Click here to download: BLACK SQUARE PROBLEM

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