Designing with Type



Using only letterforms, create six typo

graphic designs in the areas indicated on

the assignment sheet. The essence of

each design is to be created using only

the designated typefaces. Use a mini-

mum of two letterforms and as many

colors as your concept dictates (except

for the negative-positive problem, for

which only black and white is required).

Analysis: All six problems are formal

istic exercises in seeing letterforms

infinite possibilities as communication

vehicles. The primary intention here is

to explore various aspects of the funda-

mental design principle of contrast

Negative-positive relationships, scale,

and patterning are explored. By experi-

menting with type within the parame-

ters of these design principles

designers can develop basic skills into

personal expressive repertoires.

Note: This problem is an extension of

the Black Square Problem (see page 16).


major difference is that letterforms

are substituted here for the black

squares, and color now can play an important role.


Designing with type_pc

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