Forget RGB. CMYK is where it’s at.
You can’t beat the classics.
Classic rock, classic style, classic cheese & pepperoni pizza, the list goes on. And when it comes to art, it doesn’t get much more classic than the CMYK color model, (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black). That’s why we challenge you to forget the full ROY G BIV lineup and design a piece of art inspired by the CMYK color scheme. Experiment with a 4-color pattern, create a play on the tester sheet that comes out of printers featuring CMYK when you change the ink, perhaps create an all-over print that looks like you super-zoomed into a printed image which, of course, is made up of little dots of CMYK.
Program: Photoshop
File Size 13×19
The Rules:
You can only the colors Cyan, Magenta, Yellow
You can use images and typography.
Using blending modes create an overlay effect in photoshop
The design must communicate an idea/message