Students will develop a minimal landscape illustration from a reference image using Adobe Illustrator.
- Do an image search online using , or just a good old google image search.
- Download the reference image you would like to use to your computer and save it to the creative cloud folder.
- Open a new document in adobe illustrator that is 13×19 make sure the orientation matches the way your download image sits (landscape or portrait)
- Place the image you downloaded into your illustrator file. Go to File>place. Click and drag to add the image to the size of the page. When resizing the image after it is placed always make sure you scale it proportionally and hold the shift while dragging from the corner.
- Lock the image (Control + 2)
- make a new layer to draw on using the layers palette on the right. (+ next to the trash can)
- Start to draw your shapes
- remember illustrator always draws the next layer over the last, so make sure you draw the shape farthest back first.
- the shape needs to overlap and should not line up perfectly on all sides.
Once all the shapes are completed start to fill with color and explore what your minimal color scheme will be. add gradients to areas to make items have a little more value and depth. When satisfied with the final illustration save the image as a pdf and submit it to Schoology for grading.