Visual pun

Size: Letter 8.5×11

Program: Photoshop


Take an ordinary, every day term and make a visual of it… for example: house cat, ballpoint pen, one tough cookie, sharp as a tack, hotter than 2 rats in a wool sock… Whatever you can think of.  You will have three class periods to work on this assignment!

Key term to understand…

Pun: A play on words, usually the assignment of different meanings to similarly sounding words or phrases, with humorous intent.

Visual Pun: A drawing, cartoon, photograph, etc. depicting objects arranged so that the names of the objects or a description of their placement suggests a play on words.

Using Adobe Photoshop, illustrate a word that contains a visual pun. Begin by exploring your options…create a list or series of sketches with your 3 best ideas. Choose your best idea and create it using Photoshop.

Here are some fun words to get you started….Watch Dog – Fan Club -Second Hand Store – Water Closet – Strong Box – Photo Bug – Bookworm – Loud Tie – Toothpick – Gatorade – Handcuffs – Horseradish – Fireman
– Wisdom Tooth – Mail Man – Boxing Match – Book Worm – Butterfly – Moth Ball – Garden Hose – Horse Fly – Eye Ball – Handball – Football – Watch Dog – Fan Club – Second Hand Store –  Fruit Punch – Deviled Eggs – eggplant – Flower Bulb- Jack Frost- Dreadlock- Fire Drill – Dragon Fly – Dr. Pepper- Money Order- Star Fish – Serial Killer-  Foot ball- Siamese Fighting fish – Zebra fish- Clownfish- I pod – pool table – babysitter – or whatever else you can come up with.

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