Typographic Form

Program: Adobe Illustrator

Page Size: Legal 8.5 x 11

Number of Art boards: 2Typographical-01
Step 1: using a simple, extra-bold sans serif font to type the word of your choice

Step 2: Create a copy of your original word and them remove counter spaces and to create a new version of your word by manipulating letter position, orientation, and scale.

Step 3: Copy and paste step two and the counter spaces are reintroduced as simple shapes, lines small circle etc..

Step 4: The counter spaces are replaced by non-typographic on color images.


Step 5: Designing the poster

A poster application uses any or all of the 4 step elements to develop a dynamic typographic composition. You will create two pages.  The first page will have 4 versions of your word and the second will have your design.   You design must use a complementary or analogous color theme.

You may change opacity and or use blending modes.  You can only use the items from page one to create your design. Focus on creating a balanced use of positive and negative space, explore scale, overlapping typography and contrasting colors to create a strong and original design.


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