Contour Line Drawing

Students will use the pen tool,brush tool and pencil to create a contour line drawing in adobe Illustrator.

The Rules:

  1. Do a google search to find an image you would like to use to create your contour line drawing.
  2. Create a new 8.5 x 11 document in Adobe Illustrator (control + N)
  3. Place the downloaded  image into a the new document (file>Place)
  4. Lock the layer (control + 2)
  5. Using the brush tool (B) create a line drawing of you subject.  You will use lines that sit closer together to show shadows and lines that are space farther apart for the highlight in you image.
  6. You can trace all the contours using nay of the the drawing tools listed above.
  7. save your file as classperiod_lastname_contour and submit it to the dropbox
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